Thursday, May 5, 2022

The Tizzler Swizzler

Tony Robbins explains that when you break a bad habit you need to replace it with a good habit. That way you are more likely to stay away from the bad habit. That’s why smokers often gain weight after quitting. They didn’t replace it with a good habit so instead they found another bad habit of eating unhealthy. This reminds me of my stepfather. He tried to quit smoking once and replaced his addiction for smoking with eating Twizzlers. He didn’t replace the bad habit with another good habit. Now he is back to smoking and addicted to Twizzlers as well. Let’s look at people (including me) who are trying to lose weight and keep it off. Many of us try to just simply diet and restrict ourselves from the foods we love. We never stick to it because we do not replace the bad habit with something good and healthy. Instead of just dieting, replace the bad habit with something you like to do. I personally have started to really enjoy working out. I am replacing my bad eating habit with something I’m enjoying doing. Besides, working out amplifies my weight loss journey. Think really hard about what good habits you can do to replace bad habits. It should be simple that you can do in place of the bad habit, and it must be pleasurable. Try reading a book you love for a while instead of eating. Take up a new hobby. Go for a walk. Anything to take your mind off the bad habit. The more you do the pleasurable thing the easier it will become to do. Eventually the old bad habit will go away.

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