Wednesday, May 4, 2022

The Effectiveness of Drugs

A Harvard study done by Dr. Henry Beecher once tested the effectiveness of drugs. They told one group of people that they were going to take a red pill that was a super-stimulant. They told another group of people that they were going to take a super-tranquilizer. What they didn’t tell the groups was that they had actually reversed the drugs. The group that took a so-called super-stimulant were energetic even though they took a tranquilizer. The other group was lethargic even though they took a stimulant. Dr. Beecher said, “the drugs usefulness is a direct result of not only the chemical properties of the drug, but also the patient’s belief in the usefulness and effectiveness of the drug” Now I’m not saying that the drugs don’t work. I’m not advocating that drugs are hogwash. They do what they are supposed to do chemically. However, without the person’s belief in the drugs they may not be as effective. For example, I have been on the same medication for my bipolar disorder for years now. I haven’t had to change it. I had tried many drugs before and they just didn’t work. Some made me a zombie, some made me sleep all the time, and one even caused my arms to spasm so much in the night that I couldn’t sleep. Until I met a doctor who said he could help. I really believed this doctor, he was kind and sympathetic. He prescribed me a combination of drugs that seemed to work. I had no side effects and I started to level off and act like a normal person. The point is that I believed in my doctor so I believed in the drugs. I’m not saying that the drugs are all in my head, I’m saying that by believing they would work I had a better chance of seeing positive results. I’ve heard so many people say, “The drugs are not working!” I have to wonder if the drugs not working or the people not believing they will work. If you are on some sort of drugs to help with some condition, it sounds to me that you need to give them a chance and start believing in them. You might have better results.

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