Thursday, May 5, 2022

Attracting Negative Things

I have read several books on how to attract things in your life. They explain it this way; Everything is created of energy which has a certain vibration. Like vibrations attract each other. I’m not sure I believe all that, but in a previous post I mentioned that it’s sort of happening to me with money. The more I think about money the more I seem to get. In the book Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins he says, “If we focus more on what we don’t want the more we will get of it.” This falls under the same category of like things attracting each other. If you are asked what you want and you tend to respond with knowing what you don’t want, then you are focusing on the negative things in your life. By focusing on those negative things you will only attract those negative things. For example if I ask you what you want in life and you say, “I don’t know, but I know what I don’t want, I don’t want to be fat anymore.” Then you are only going to attract the negative thing of being fat still. You are focusing on being fat in a negative light. The better way to say this is, “I know I want to lose weight.” Turn it around from a negative to a positive. If you know what you don’t want then you just simply have to say it in a positive manner. It’s all in your mindset. You have to stop being a negative person and start thinking in positive terms. The more you think in positive terms the more positive you will become. So turn that frown upside down and make it a smile.

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