Sunday, April 24, 2022

When the Scale Lies to You

We have all been there. A week of eating perfectly and exercising every day. But the scale either doesn’t budge or goes up a little bit. It can be so demoralizing. It can make you want to quit. You will need to change your mindset to keep going and feeling good about yourself. I’ve said this many times. I treat the scale like I treat my son’s hockey games. Whether we win or lose by a point or just tie, it was still a great game. If the scale goes up a pound here or you just maintain your current weight, doesn’t negate that you have had a great week. There are what we call Non Scale Victories (NSV’s). That’s when you claim victory for something that has nothing to do with the scale. Whether it be taking 10,000 steps a day, every day of the week. Or losing a notch in your belt. These victories help validate all of our hard work. We have to remember that there are a lot more goals than just reaching a certain weight. In fact setting your only goal to make a certain weight can be detrimental at times. For example What will you do after you make your goal weight? What would your goals look like then? You could set a new goal of running 5k marathons or even longer ones. Getting to a certain weight is not the end all be all of your journey. Looking at it another way, you should also set small attainable goals to get you through the tough times. Like tracking what food you eat for an entire month. Drinking enough water every day. Or just being excited about losing in 5 lb increments. Whatever it takes. So, to sum it all up, don’t let that scale beat you!

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