Thursday, April 28, 2022

Our Beliefs Are Our Reality

It’s been said many times that you need to believe in yourself. The reason is that our beliefs shape our reality. If we believe we are not able to make that basketball go through that tiny hoop, then we will not do it. Athletes work hard on mentally preparing themselves to believe that they can do what they need to do. Believing in yourself is when the magic happens. I know it sounds wishy washy but believing in yourself will start to cause things to happen that you want. I don’t know if it’s the Universe providing as some books I’ve read have said, or just a coincidence but I’ve seen it first hand. See the post on The Legend of Ronnie P. Mustard. Believing I was a good golfer did improve my golf game. If you believe that you will lose weight, or get more money, or get that relationship you want it will happen. Because you believe it you will make it happen. There is a lot to be said about the power of belief. Countless people have applied it in their lives to great success. So why shouldn’t you? I believe I will be a great motivational speaker. It will happen because I believe in myself enough to make it happen. My posts may not be the best now, but I believe that they will become great with practice. So if you want to see if the power of belief works, keep reading my posts. LOL!

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