Wednesday, April 27, 2022


I was once told that “integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is looking.” That really hits home for me. But how can I apply it to following my dreams? Well, let’s look at my weight loss journey. Yes I am being held accountable with my wife and with the WW (formerly weight watchers) groups. But my integrity comes into play when it comes to tracking all the food I eat and not cheating. My integrity shows when I work out even when no one is there to see me. Integrity is a very important trait to have in life. If you have integrity you are showing your character can be trusted. With integrity you are showing to yourself that you are a person of your word. You are building confidence in your character. That confidence will go a long way when it comes to your daily life. You will feel confident that you will lose weight because you have the integrity to do what is right for your body. You will feel confident working from home because you know that you have the integrity to get the work done instead of watching soap operas. Integrity can be the building blocks toward helping your confidence. So in conclusion we need integrity to make ourselves feel better about ourselves more so than to gain the trust of others. If we feel good about ourselves then our confidence shows and the trust from others will follow.

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