Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Rent Free

This isn’t about money, LOL! This is about letting other people live rent free in your head. If someone slights you and you continually think about it you are letting that person live rent free in your head. You are giving that person the power to control your thoughts. Think about it this way. Do you think that person is thinking about you? Probably not. They might not even know they upset you if you didn’t express to them that they had. I heard a statistic once that said 85% of people let other people affect their mood. That’s huge! When you constantly think about the person who upset you, you are living in the past. You are also not forgiving the person. I’m not saying forgive and then be buddies. I’m saying forgive for your own emotional well being. When you forgive you are letting go of those hard feelings that are keeping you down. When you are focused on someone that upset you, you are taking away from your happy thoughts. You are taking away from the feelings of love that you can have toward your family. Most importantly you are taking away from loving yourself.

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