Friday, May 13, 2022

Shake Up Your Days

I recently noticed myself doing the same thing in a pattern every day. I know it’s good to develop good habits, but even the best of habits can become boring. I would get up and read/write. Start work then spend a half hour on the stationary bike during lunch. After work I would cook a healthy meal then do another half hour on the stationary bike. Finally I would read/write until I went to bed. Very regimented and very boring. I began to slack off with working out and eating healthy because it was getting to be so monotonous. I realized that I need to shake my days up in order to get back on track. I grabbed my laptop and worked outside today. I will also ride my actual bike or go for a walk now that the weather is nice. I will try to slip a movie in there now and then as well. If you want to succeed at a goal you can’t just do the same thing day in and day out. You can still work on your goals but do it in a different way. If you are like me and striving to succeed in your pursuit of a better life, make sure that you don’t bore yourself to death in achieving that life.

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