Friday, May 13, 2022

I am Not a Fat Man

For all of my adult life I have been unhealthy. I could often hear myself telling others “I’m a fat man”. I would identify with being fat and allow it to determine the type of person I was. What is funny is that I had learned early on that I shouldn’t say “I’m bipolar” but rather, “I have bipolar disorder”. I was taught not to let the disorder be what I identify as. Why couldn’t I have made this connection with being unhealthy. It’s simple, I had already had it ingrained in my brian that I was a fat man well before I knew I had bipolar disorder. I was told right away by my doctor how I should refer to my disorder. No one told me how to refer to my size properly. It was something that had just always been. The problem with identifying as a fat man is that you will always live up to that expectation. No matter how much weight I lose I will always have it in my brian that I’m a fat man. I will inevitably let my perception win and I will gain my weight back again. So from now on I’m not going to say “I’m a fat man”, but rather “I am striving to be healthy” It’s a more positive way of seeing myself. By saying I’m striving I’m saying I’m always actively working on getting healthy. It will become a part of who I am. So stop identifying as someone you should not be. You are not fat anymore. You are striving to be healthy. You are working on improving your life daily.

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