Thursday, May 19, 2022

Effort vs Progress

As mentioned in Chasing Cupcakes by Elizabeth Benton, there is a difference between effort and progress. Effort is not measurable whereas progress is. You could be doing all kinds of effort but if it isn’t showing progress you need to change your strategy. As an example you could be putting in a lot of effort to lose weight but unless you see differences in your measurements or a drop on the scale you are not making progress. You need to reevaluate what you are doing. It only boils down to two things in this case. There may either be something wrong with your diet or your exercise, or even both. You have to stop wasting all your energy on effort that isn’t showing progress. I can blog until my fingers bleed but if I don’t have an audience I am not showing any progress. I am putting all my effort into content and no effort into gaining an audience. Your energy is valuable. You need to spend it wisely. If you don’t see progress then you must change what you are spending that energy on.

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