Monday, May 16, 2022

Doesn’t Add Pleasure

In the book Chasing Cupcakes by Elizabeth Benton, she says “Overeating didn’t add pleasure to my life; it took it away.” This requires us to ask the question, what adds pleasure to our lives? This can only be answered by you, but it shouldn’t be overeating. If you are ok with your size and have no problem with it then overeating shouldn’t be an issue. However, most of us have problems with our size. But is it really our size that bothers us, or the reason we are that size. Yes, being large can contribute to how we think of ourselves, but it is just a symptom of a bigger problem. I’d like to say that in all cases overeating is related to stress, grief, anger, etc. But it’s not always the case that we are emotionally eating. Sometimes we just have to admit that food tastes good. That being said, overeating is still caused by something. We need to look at ourselves very closely and determine what is the root problem. Is it because you are living in the past and feel that you were not loved enough? Is it because you are comforted by food because that’s how families celebrate, is with food? Can it be that our bodies are addicted to the feeling of being full? Could it be a chemical reaction caused by the food we eat? There are many reasons why someone overeats. It’s a matter of you determining the cause. So let’s get back to the quote at hand. If overeating takes away the pleasure in one’s life, then why do it? I don’t think it comes down to brute force will power. That’s not addressing the issue at all. That’s just setting us up for failure. I can’t come up with all the questions you have to ask yourself, let alone the answers. But I highly recommend looking into yourself and finding the root cause of the problem. If you can’t do it, find a friend, a life coach, or a therapist that can help you ask the right questions. You don’t have to do this alone. There are plenty of people out there who can help.

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