Friday, May 13, 2022

Furrowed Brow

I don’t have a resting happy face. I am often in deep thought and that causes me to furrow my brow. When my wife notices this she always asks me what’s wrong. When I say nothing she tells me that I have a furrowed brow like I’m upset. This got me thinking about my previous post on posture. I was unintentionally sending the wrong messages. So I’ve committed to relaxing my face more. I don’t know how silly I look but at least I don’t look angry anymore. What is interesting is that by actively relaxing my face I can feel my mood uplift. It’s a simple act but it makes me feel better. I wondered what other kinds of postures I could take to change my mood. One of them was sitting up straight in my chair. I tend to bend my head forward and slouch my shoulders. When I sit up I feel much more confident and confidence breeds self respect. I feel like a new man when I change my posture. I would recommend all of you to pay attention to your posture and see what kind of mood it puts you in. Then take on a posture that will give you a more positive attitude. It worked for me, and I know it will work for you.

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