Saturday, April 30, 2022

Flexing the Creative Muscle

Did you know that as the older you get the more likely you will be less creative? There is actually a scientific reason for this. Your brian is trying to wire itself to make decisions as easy as possible. Therefore it creates pathways in your brian that forms habits to make you decisions without even having to think of them. You are basically wiring your brian to not think outside of the box. Creative people are creative because they flex that creative muscle in their brains. They have adapted to think outside of the box. They use different parts of their brian as well. Does this mean you will never be creative? The answer is no! You just need to work on being creative. Get the juices flowing again. Be that imaginative little kid you once was. Don’t coast through life making the default decisions. Change things up a bit. Go against the grain of your neural pathways that make decisions so easy. I know having habits are healthy and that some pathways you want to keep like doing push ups as soon as you get out of bed. Or brushing your teeth after a meal. But don’t worry, you won’t lose those habits or even hurt your decision making process by trying to be creative. It’s healthy for you to flex that creative muscle. It keeps you sharp and aware. So in conclusion, get out those crayons and colorful construction paper. Get that glitter glue and be creative.

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