Friday, April 29, 2022

Charge for What You Love Doing

Look, we all want to do what we love for a business, but in order to do it you're going to have to charge some money. You should be getting paid what you are worth, and what you are worth should be enough to make a living at what you love to do. Now my mother-in-law loves to knit. She makes dozens of sweaters a year. Some people say she should make them and sell them, however she always says that no one would pay her for the time that it took to make one sweater. There is just no profit in it. However, what she doesn’t realize is that some money is better than no money. Also that the more people see her sweaters and ask to buy them the more she can charge for them because there is more of a demand. You have to start somewhere. As another example, I am just starting out in motivational speaking. Something I love to do. However, I’m just starting out so I need practice. I need to start out really small and do some gigs for free so that I can get experience. As I gain experience I can start charging more and more. So when first starting out with doing your own business that you love, make sure you get paid what you are worth. You deserve it.

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